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The XVII. European Fly Fishing Championship was held in Forde vicinity found in Sun Fjord. The Norwegian organisers picked waters with occurence of the brown trout and all tactics could be focused on this only fish. Alltogether 16 men's teams and one women's team (England 2) and also 3 individuals from Bulgaria and Romania were accredited. We also first saw Hungarian participants here. Apart from the local Norwegians, the Czechs, Polish and the already-mentioned English had two teams each.
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1st periode – Lake Valle de Rossim
Flies: Sparkler size 10, Black Glass-buzzer size 12, Sparkler size 10, nylon 0,18 mm monofile, fly line – fast clear intermediate. One brownie 57 cm on Black Buzzer, Two rainbows on Sparklers, last hour change on sinking line D 4 and rolly poly – next two rainbows on Sparkler Bobby. I was with five bags on thirth place in my group, winner Janne Pirkkalainen (Finland) - 11 bags.
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Long before our departure for this World Championship in fly fishing, we were certain that we would only be catching a small number of wild brownies, and also that very clear waters and lakes would offer only a few more rainbow trouts. So, our first Portuguese impression was incredible heat, terrible drought and a steel blue sky - simply, the worst conditions for fishing anywhere.
Martin Grün, the team manager, had reserved a hotel in a small town of Tabua, from where we set out for all practice venues before the championship. Our first training took place on the largest of the three contest rivers, the Mondego. It is about 40 m wide, with a stony bottom and very clear water which is also rather warm in summers.
After a couple of hours, the effort of six anglers was unsuccessful and we did not catch a single trout, as opposed to the non-eligible barbels romping everywhere.
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At the Senior World Championship in Portugal the team of fly fishermen from the Czech Republic reached a great result, which is the best in all history. In a very difficult competition we luckily managed to defeat the team of France, which was the biggest favorite and the Czechs reached for the team gold after the long seven years. Two more valuable medals were won by the individuals.
Číst dál: Three medals from Portugal for the Czech republic!
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Competitors Roman Jörka, Ondrej Misar, Vit Pavlacky, Jaroslav Masek and Petr Drasdik were nominated to this year´s 5th Championship of Youth in Portugal for the team of the Czech Republic. This was a strong team, which I believed in from its start. The competitors had their camp, just before the championship in Slovakia, under the supervision of Milan Cubík, who was the team manager. We have also tested new fly fishing lines, which were bought by our sponsor company Veolia. This was a transparent floating line, which was good for Portugese waters.
Our team met in Plzen on 18 June in the evening, incl. the driver Kamil, who supported all our team very well. We went through Germany to France and in the evening the next day we accommodated ourselves in Bordeaux in a Formule 1 hotel. The next day we were on the way from six in the morning to get to Moncao in Portugal. Here we settled ourselves in a hidden little hotel, which was managed by two 70-year old ladies.
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The International Fly-Fishing Federation FIPS-MOUCHE authorized Slovenia to organize the European Championship this year. Because of specific managed rivers in Slovenia fishing clubs Bohinj (top organizer), Bled, Jesenice and Radovljica were organizing the Championship. Individual competition sectors were marked out on Sava-Bohinjka river (sectors I-III), Sava-Dolinjka river (sector IV) and Sava river (sector V) – below the confluence of the above mentioned rivers.
Czech team competitors were: Lukas Pazdernik, Daniel Svrcek, David Seba, Vladimir Sedivy a Jaromir Sram, captain Jiri Klima, manager Martin Musil. Beautiful Slovene rivers were totally unknown for the Czech team. Just Lukas Pazdernik has been fishing on Sava-Bohijnce river a couple of years ago.
Číst dál: XIIth european fly-fishing championship in Slovenia
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After this year´s World Championship in Sweden (2005) the Czech fly fishermen are still in long-term tables of medal awards on the third place and they have equal points as the second Italians, which have one gold more. The Czechs have overtaken England and Poland. Assessment is done in the following way: 3 points are given for a gold medal, 2 points for silver and 1 point for a bronze medal. From the first six teams only teams of France, Italy, England and Belgium have participated in all 25 championships, Poland participated in 22 championships, the Czech team has participated in 20 championships only.
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Jubilee 25th World Fly Fishing Championship took part between 16 - 22 August 2005 in Swedish Lappland and the centre of the Championship was again in the small town of Lycksele, which welcomed competitors from 21 countries of Europe, America, Australia, Japan and South Africa. This time completely different waters were used for fishing than during the Championship in 2001, but in this area there are so many different possibilities that this would be enough for several other championships. This year's competition was influenced by heavy rains just before this significant event and therefore fishing in two stretches of the river Lögde älv was very complicated and high water was even on the not-distant lake of Rödingträsk, where the boat fishing was done. However, the river Juktan, lying below the large reservoir had a stable water level, but its captiousness was hidden in something different. Who had not arrive long time before the championship he did not find out how rich in fish it is, because the practice stretch was very short and heavily fished.
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