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The Vltava river hosted young fly fishers in the third week of July. They arrived in Rozmberk to participate in the IVth World Championship. 53 young people took part and the same number counted their accompaniment. Some teams arrived because of training one week earlier, but the official opening was on Wednesday 20 July in the Rozmberk castle where also the Governor of South Bohemian Region Jan Zahradnik was present. Under the head of the Czech Republic there were two teams. Czech Republic 1 represented: Lubos Roza, Roman Jorka, Ondrej Misar, Vit Pavlacky, Lukas Sobolcik and reserve Jaroslav Masek. Czech second team consisted of Petr Jilek, Petr Drastik, Jan Buchtela, Bohumil Sares, Pavel Steuer and the reserve was Pavel Haloun.
Read more: Lubos Roza and Czech republic 1 youth world champions in fly fishing
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Between the 14th and 19th of June the XI. European Fly Fishing Championship took place on the San River in Poland. The Czech Republic was represented by two, five member teams. The main Official Team was known as Czech 1 and the other team Czech 2, which was to defend the title they won last year in Sweden, even though some of the team members were different. The First trip to the venue was made in the beginning of May, when our spy visited and the place for a camp was decided which we would use for a week prior to the Competition. Unfortunately the conditions were not good because he river was high following earlier heavy rains and it was not possible to fish at all.
Read more: Gold and silver for the Czech fly fishermen from the san river
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The team of Czechoslovakia left for its second championship in fly fishing on 16 September 1986 by train from Prague via Nürnberg, Koblenz and Luxembourg to Belgium town of Libramont Bastogne, where the driver was waiting for us with the car, which we had through all the championship at disposal. Miroslav Zilka was a team leader, coach was Pavel Janicek and competitors were following: Jaroslav Eisner, Jan Šebestyen, Pavol Gavura, Miroslav Sýkora and Slavoj Svoboda.
Read more: How did i become the first Czech world champion in fly fishing?
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Between 12 - 15 May 2005 the 27th International Confederation of Anglers CIPS met in Palermo, Sicily. About a hundred of representatives from all the world participated in it. At the date of the Congress CIPS 108 national federations from 54 countries of all the continents were associated. The core of its activity, however, lies on the backs of its four international sport federations: Sea Fishing Federation (FIPS-M), Fresh Water Fishing Federation (FIPS-Ed), Fly Fishing Federation (FIPS-Mou) and International Casting Federation (ICF), which was shown mercy by the CIPS management. The reason of this change was the reality that the first three mentioned federations have been accepted into the AGFIS, which is the international organization of the non-Olympic sports, where the Casting Federation works there through the second world casting federation ICSF.
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Geoff died on the 16 of February 2005, in the age of 71 years. He was a very well respeted gentleman and was responsible for much of the success of England on the World Stage when he was Manager. His almost unending enthusiasm for the sport and encouragement of anglers to give of their best was responsible for many of the sucesses of England. He was awarded the English honour of MBE (member of the British Empire) presented by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth. Geoff was a very succesful business man as well as a a very keen angler. He was a major organiser for the World Championships hosted by England in 1987 and 2000. His death will leave a very big hole in the lives of many English anglers who gave him great respect. He leaves his Wife Ilsa and a son Michael.
Mike Childs
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After last year's World Championship the Czech fly fishermen have moved in long-term tables of medal awards on the third place and only one point is a distance from the second Italians, which is a value of one bronze medal. The Czechs have overtaken England and Poland. Assessment is done in the following way. 3 points are given for a gold medal, 2 points for silver and 1 point for a bronze medal. From the first six teams only teams of France, Italy, England and Belgium have participated in all 24 championships, Poland participated in 21 championships, the Czech team has participated in 19 championships only, and this year they might move even on to the second place.
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C.I.P.S. Confédération Internationale de la Peche Sportive
Milano, 10th of Novembre 2004
Read more: Invitation to the 27th CIPS congress of the international federations FIPS
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Xth European Championship in flyfishing, which took place in the first week of July in the area of Saxnas in Lapland (Sweden), finished with great success for the Czech Colours. 16 five-member teams Participated in the competition, out of these two Czech and Finnish ones, and the Swedes and the English had women teams. Altogether there were 12 countries and 80 individuals. The Competition is getting bigger and bigger each year. The Polish, French and Italians arrived with their A-teams, other top quality teams sent their substitutes and only the Spanish were missing from the top flyfishing countries.
Read more: Victory for the Czech flyfishermen at the european championship in Lapland
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At the end of August and the start of September the Slovak Fishing Union organised the 24th World Fly Fishing Championships. The organisers attracted a record number of 23 teams , involving the unpresidented number of 240 participants. It was held in the beautiful Tatras area. All were accommodated in the mountain Hotel Permon in Podbanska. The centre of the Championships was however Liptovsky Mikulas, where the opening and closing ceremonies were held.
Read more: XXIV world fly fishing championships held in Slovakia
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The 1999 Flyfishing World Championships took place in Poland on the Dunajec River, in the Tatra Mountains. I was not a total beginner in the Czech Republic Team, because I had received my baptism a year earlier in the U.S.A. on the Snake River, where I won the individual bronze medal. So in the Polish village of Zakopane, I was considered to be one of the favourites.
I was drawn in a very hard group E, where there were 19 of us. My biggest competitors were Artur Raclawski from Poland and Jozef Trnka from Slovakia. Both of them were fishing on what were almost home waters, and they have known the Dunajec River for a long time. We spent one week before the Championships on this river and tried to find out as much as we could about the types of fish and what they would take in the way of flies. The Polish organizers wanted to boost themselves and the River. They stocked the water very heavily with good Rainbow trout and Brown trout, but this heavy stocking surpressed the local populations of wild fish, mainly Grayling.
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Sweden 2001
As the biggest mistake I would see that the organizers were allowed to shorten stretches for 120 metres, and somewhere even less. The big river was probably 200 metres wide, but the active stretches were in a very narrow line along the banks and mostly it was not possible to wade far, and even the stretches on small river were short. In this case rotation should have taken place after a half of period, because in other the competition lost its sense. At my first sight of both lakes, where the competition took place, was clear that these lakes were not chosen well. Number of rising fish was very low, or there was almost no rising fish, which sharply contrasted with the lakes selected for practice, there were fish enough. Such competition, where one catches only few fish, does not make any sense. The Presidential Board should realize it during the inspections before championships, and the old mistakes should not be repeated while approving the venues. On the other hand there was only one organizational mistake at the opening ceremony there was missing the French team at the front of parade, as the Rules order for the last champions. Possibility of cheaper accommodation was very positive. The guides were not on the required level.
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