In the second half of March publisher Grayling & Trout Publishing is launching into the market with a new book by Karel Křivanec et al. “Česká nymfa a příbuzné metody lovu ryb“, which is going to be published in the English version under the name: “Czech Nymph and Other Related Fly Fishing Methods“.

 Czech Nymph and Other Related Fly Fishing Methods The book of 116 pages of format A4, contains 159 coloured photographs of nymphs and approximately 45 coloured photographs of fishing. The book deals with the problematics of Czech nymph from its early history to present. This book is a unique with its conception in the current fly fishing literature.

Price of the English version when ordering through our website is €20,- plus packaging. This book will be exclusively sold through our website and there will be also possibly published list of specialized sellers and competitions, where the book will be on sale. The first opportunity of buying this book will at the Hunting and Fishing Exhibition in Munich, Germany, between 27 March – 1 April 2007. Today we are showing a short exctract. May you like it!

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English version of the book will be also published in electronic form on a CD with several video sequences from fly fishing and fly tying. Its price will be € 12,- including packaging.