Source: CZN

 Geoff in Ireland 1995 Geoff died on the 16 of February 2005, in the age of 71 years. He was a very well respeted gentleman and was responsible for much of the success of England on the World Stage when he was Manager. His almost unending enthusiasm for the sport and encouragement of anglers to give of their best was responsible for many of the sucesses of England. He was awarded the English honour of MBE (member of the British Empire) presented by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth. Geoff was a very succesful business man as well as a a very keen angler. He was a major organiser for the World Championships hosted by England in 1987 and 2000. His death will leave a very big hole in the lives of many English anglers who gave him great respect. He leaves his Wife Ilsa and a son Michael.

Mike Childs

'Geoff was a truly great man. He will be remembered as a hugely successful businessman, without a doubt. In the fishing world he will be remembered for all his achievements, which is as it should be.

But in the inner circle of those that he knew well, especially those of us privileged to represent England under his captaincy, he will be remembered for more personal and intimate things: his fairness, thoughtfulness, compassion, toughness, coolness under pressure and the way in which he was totally dedicated to the team and our country. His innate insight into the minds and personalities of his team members was uncanny. That was why we won so many championships and why his were the pinnacle years of English fly-fishing.

For myself, I am lucky enough to have been his friend. We shared fishing together on the world stage and we won gold medals together in our chosen sport. From me he earned the ultimate accolade, something I rarely give - TOTAL respect. We shared golden years that will never tarnish, memories that will never fade.'

Chris Ogborne

 In Norway 1994  Price giving in Norway 1994  Vinning team England - 1995
 Price giving - USA 1997  In Poland 1998  At Hanningfield Masters 1999
 In England - World 2000  In Czech Republic 2000 - EC  At European Champ 2000
 With Mayr of Kostelec - EC 2000  With Mike and James in Kostelec - 2000  Spain 2001 - his last FIPS GA