
Author: Kai Kallio

Insect life. The hatch of the first day.This article is a rough translation of an article that was first published in Finnish language in the magazine “Pohjolan perhokalastaja” 2/2010.

I found the Czech Nymphing Masterclass accidentally. A certain website was advertising this course and a CD, which was filmed at one of the previous courses. For some reason the course came back to my mind every now and then. Finally, I ordered the CD. After seeing the CD and having had a thought about the matter, I decided to apply to the course. This is how I accidentally ended up to a place called Rozmberk nad Vltavou in Czech in the summer 2009.

Sorry, but this year CNM is fully occupied.

czech_nymph_masterclass_2009_01_tJohn Woods


I emailed everyone the flyer for this masterclass early in the year but no-one took up the offer. You missed a great value fishing holiday with lots of opportunity to learn new things and fish different waters, very different to Somerset & Wiltshire.

Not only was there no-one else from the club there, there was no-one else from the UK. The only other Brit currently lives in Belgium and there were two other Belgians, 3 Dutch, a German, a Finn, a Canadian and an Australian. Quite a group.

We apologize to all other prospective CNM 2010, but this year's course is already fully occupied!

Author: CZN

80% of fish are caught by 20% of fishermen
20% of fishermen who consistently catch 80% of the fish

Say you are a flyfisher and your average catch is 5 to 10 fish a day with the dry fly.

Czech Nymphing Masterclass big success

De Czech Nymphing Masterclass (CNM) is a big success. In one year 75 participants from six different countries have attended the masterclass. The organisation is glad to announce that mr. Jiri Klima is willing to be the successor of the former master mr. Jan Siman.