Moc MorganRenowned fisherman, author and broadcaster Moc Morgan OBE has died suddenly at his home in Aberystwyth on Monday, 25 May, aged 86.

A prominent figure in the Welsh fishing community, his book Trout and Salmon Flies of Wales remains the definitive guide to flies, both traditional and modern.

Moc fished in more than 30 countries and, in 1991, he was awarded the OBE by the Queen, for services to angling, having organised a very successful World Fly Fishing Championship, in Wales.

He was founder chairman of the Federation of Welsh Anglers, and was the secretary of the Welsh Salmon and Trout Angling Association for nearly 30 years.

He had fished for more than 75 years, and once took former US president, Jimmy Carter, on a fishing trip in mid Wales.

Mr Morgan was a headteacher of Pontrhydfendigaid School before moving to Lampeter Primary School, where he was headteacher for many years. Arenowned sportsman, as a centre forward he was star man of Pontrhydfendigaid FC in the mid to late 1950s.

A spokesperson for Angling Cymru said: “As the founder chairman of the Federation of Welsh Anglers, Moc worked tirelessly to unite the three angling disciplines in Wales.

“Moc always championed angling, and his work is well documented. Angling has lost a hugely influential advocate, and a great fisherman.” The day before he died, he insisted on being taken to see the Welsh youth international team.