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Different ways of tying the Czech nymphs have been described, both in Czech and worldwide literature. We use a method you may wish to try. Firstly, we tie lead wire on to the hook shank. The ends of the wire are squeezed with tweezers. The wire is fixed with a drop of super glue. Tie off the lead wire; cover with a thin body silk (after covering the body with varnish and the body silk retains its true colour). Then tie in thin double-fibre thread, tie it as long as is possible to the turn of the hook. (We experiment with different curves of the body).
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Spring Time is the best time for Stillwater fishing in the big lakes in the west of Ireland. But saying that I don't mean mayfly time. My friends and I head for the big Lough Mask in the end of April for the last fifteen years. At this time billions of chironomids hatch and also a lot of small olives. Wet fly fishing has a strong tradition in Ireland, but we do something different. We target the individual rising fish in the shallow bays of the big lake, were most of the hatches occur. Here in the sheltered waters you can see the fish rising, provided there is not too much wind. A flat calm is very difficult, a small ripple on the water is perfect. Most of the time we have the lake to ourselves as the wet fly fisherman need more wind.
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