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THE GRASS is greener on the other side - how true a saying in the angling world.
You start fishing a stillwater and see a lot of activity on the other side of the lake, so you relocate, only to see the place you've moved from come alive. Or, on the riverbank, the next pool always looks so tempting and far fishier than the one you're in.
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Famed for their devastatingly effective nymph methods, Czech river anglers are among the best in the world: Current national team coach Jiri Klima, also known as 'the river god', talks to Russell Hill about the latest Czech tactics and reveals the v new flies that will dramatically improve your river sport.
RH: You've been hailed as a 'river god' in the angling press. How do you feel about that?
JK: For me, it's a big privilege that someone like Charles Jardine called me a river god. I only hope that there aren't too many more river gods out there. I'm sometimes called similar names back home in the Czech Republic.
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