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The Eastern Europeans are experts at working nymphs along and just above the river bed at close range. Although they exploit the technique on the fast-flowing rivers of central Europe, it often works well in the deeper pools of more sedately flowing streams. The essential ingredients area very heavy nymph on a dropper, which hugs the bottom, and a small imitative pattern that moves enticingly in the current about 18 in behind it. Some anglers put another small nymph on a dropper above the heavy pattern.
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This is a method where one or two metres of flyfishing line only are used outside the rod tip. At the end of the fly line a coloured braided connector is attached. To this about one metre of 0.16 mm diameter nylon is tied and is finished with a minature link ring. Then we tie in a dropper of some 10 cm from 0.12 - 0.14 mm nylon followed by about 50 cm of the same nylon for the top dropper. To this cast we then add 10 cm from some thicker nylon. Finishing with some thinner nylon about 0.10 - 0.12 mm using the surgeon's knot. From this we can make the middle dropper and the length to the tip nymph. We usually fish with 2 or 3 nymphs to get the flies to the riverbed quickly.
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Starting in the fast, streamy neck of a pool, the strong flowing water found here makes casting and negotiating the flies downstream hectic to say the least. So it's best to fish a shorter, more controlled, line.
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