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Dear readers,
After more than four years since opening this site, focused on Czech nymph and all related matters, as well as promotion of Czech fisheries abroad and competitive fly fishing with focus on the results of Czech teams, I was finally encouraged to publish also this catalogue. Some of you may know me from various fly fishing and fishing shows in Belgium, Netherlands, France, Austria and Germany, where I am trying to promote Czech products. During these events I was asked couple of times to open my goods also for more modern way of selling.

I have also received emails from readers of my book about the Czech Nymph, firstly published at the end of 2007 and then twice more in 2008 and they asked me for buying nymphs, hooks and various tying material. Today, I have finally made the first step, which is this catalogue ant that could be used for satisfaction of the most conservative fisherman, who will not mind that selected goods cannot be immediately paid, but they will have to send a classic order in the e-form. With respect to the fact that my core products are flies, I cannot guarantee that they will be always in stock in a sufficient number in various sizes, and then we will have to have some patterns tied and this might cause a certain time delay.
After receiving your formal order I will get in touch with you and we will clarify possible troubles. After completion of this order you will be sent a proforma invoice in the e-form and after its payment, we will immediately send you a parcel with ordered goods. If you do not like the goods or its part, you will be refunded your money for returned goods as soon as possible. We trust that there will be such claims as few as possible.
Regarding artificial flies I would like to inform you that majority of patterns are tied on barbless hooks, even if the fly has a barb in the picture. We also want to inform prospective applicants that we are able to tie flies according to their delivered samples.
Since April 2010 we have launched CZN e-shop, where you can pay your ordered goods immediately. In this case your bonus will be send in non-monetary form - mening extra goods. The shop´s program does not allow financial discounting. If you want to get your financial discount in monetary form, contact me before payment.
Finally, I would like to mention one more prospective problem that you should realize as well. In principle, we reply to all received emails, but not always we manage to get our reply to your monitor due to the antispam or another similar protection of your PC, and therefore try to repeat your order and set your computer. Your order can be also sent to this address:
Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Kind regards, Karel Krivanec
How to order goods from our catalogue?

- From the catalogue (PDF, 5.8 MB) you select goods, which you wish to order
- Download the order form into your computer in the format supported by your computer (we recommend DOC or PDF, which can be directly filled in)
- Open and fill in such a downloaded order form
- Save the open order form
- In your mailbox create a new message for the recipient Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., into the field “Subject“ fill in “Order from CZN catalogue“ and attach the attachment with the order form that you have just made.
- Send the email. We will contact you with confirmation of your order as soon as possible.
- Upon receipt of invoices in e-form (including postage and bonuses) pay that amount. Payment is possible via PayPal or bank transfer in accordance with the instructions on the invoice.
- You can also pay via PayPal button which is located right beneath this article (it is marked Pay Now)
- Upon receipt of your payment your goods will be sent to you immediately.
- Returns are possible 14 days from receipt of shipment.
Download the order form here:
(right click and Save as... in your computer)
![]() (DOC, 124 kB) |
![]() (RTF, 405 kB) |
![]() (PDF, 319 kB) |
Buy goods for 50 - 99.99 € and save 5 %
Buy goods for 100 - 249.99 € and save 10 %
Buy goods for 250 € and more and save 15 %
- Detalles
Author & Owner:
Dr. Karel Krivanec
Branisovska 52
370 05 Ceske Budejovice
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Studio MARKOnet.cz
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- Detalles
After three years of intensive development and testing, it is finally here! Almost invisible, little camouflaged clear intermediate line. The idea for this type of line was born already in 2012 during the Norway Championship. The right choice for this option was then confirmed during the following 2013 World Championship in Norway, where the Czechs won. This type of line proved to be a key element and irreplaceable for fishing of careful fish.
Leer más: New Fly Line - STEALTH CAMOU INTERMEDIATE Hanak Competition
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